UPROOTED is an e-course that will help you to be free from rejection, abandonment and shame. One of the main reasons people cannot be free from these and many other spirits is because they try to treat symptoms instead of the root issue. Healing and deliverance from these toxic spirits requires you to trace back to the entry point of the spirit. The entry point is typically an early childhood experience or relationship that we try to suppress or ignore.
Over the course of 3 weeks I will walk you through an approach created by me called ROOT WORK. It combines clinical principles found in self-talk, solution focused, and cognitive behavior therapy practices with biblical principles.
Course Material Outline:
Class 1: Trauma, Survival Mode, Root Issues
Class 2: The Steps of Healing, Identifying & Responding to Triggers
Class 3: Boundaries & Coping
*Please note that while this course is taught by Taylor who is a therapist, this is not therapy. If at any point during the course you have a psychiatric emergency please call 911 or 1(800)273-8255.*
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